Chemical Vessels – durable materials for safety and efficiency
The chemical industry requires a complete range of Vessels. The durability and stability of the stainless steels used for manufacturing the vessels is particularly important for companies in this sector. From high-quality reactors to simple storage tanks, from large vessels with a capacity of 2 million litres, to the smallest stirring vessel, every tank must be able to withstand all kinds of chemical processes and conditions. Furthermore, as chemicals may be very sensitive and/ or corrosive, we meet the highest requirements in terms of quality, reliability and safety in our products for our national and international customers.
In addition to a large number of materials available in the chemical industry, we offer various surface treatments and the individual fitting of insulation and temperature regulation systems. At your request, our engineers will work with you to develop the perfect process solution for your company and model this in 3-D. Our skilled workers achieve these solutions with the latest production technologies, and our quality assurance department monitors the construction processes and documents this meticulously in the complete documentation. Our experienced assembly team is at your disposal to build vessels and tanks, welded on site, whether on a construction site or in a basement.
Bolz & EDEL chemical vessels have stood for quality and reliability for many decades.
Your Options
… in the area of chemical vessels / chemical tank segments:
- Pressure vessels / pressure tanks
- Process vessels / process tanks
- Storage vessels / storage tanks
- Stirring vessel / stirring tanks
- Batch/ Preparation vessel / Batch/ Preparation Tank
- Vacuum vessels / vacuum tanks
- Reactors
- Columns
- Flat bottom tanks
- Large tanks, welded on construction-site
- Tanks and vessels welded on site
- Double deck tanks
- Multi-chamber tanks
- WHG vessels / WHG tanks
- TRBF vessels / TRBF tanks
- … and much more
Your Variants
… for the individual chemical vessel / chemical tank:
- Surfaces up to Ra 0.3 µm polished and electropolished
- Materials 1.4301, 1.4404, 1.4435, 1.4571, 1.4539, …
- Heating systems / cooling systems
- Hot and/or cold insulation
- All necessary connections
- A wide variety of fixtures and fittings
- Manholes, inspection openings
- Stirrer, magnetic stirrer
- Fittings, valves, safety devices
- 3-D monitoring of cleaning
- Documented maintenance/ quality checks
- Complete documentation
- … and much more
What can we do for YOU?
Do you have any questions, or do you require a quote? Please contact us at any time and our experts are happy to help you out.